Trump Admin Weakens Clean Car Standards Despite Its Analyses Showing Rule Favors Big Oil Over Health, Climate

DeSmogBlog discusses how the Trump administration is weakening clean car standards, in favor of the O&G industry and at the expense of our health, climate, and environment. The Trump administration today announced the final rule that rolls back Obama-era clean vehicle standards, a move that, according to the government’s own analyses, is expected to benefit the oil industry and harm consumers, public health, and the climate. Experts also warn it will result in litigation and global market inconsistency to the detriment of automakers. The Safer Affordable Fuel Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles rule rolls back fuel economy and greenhouse gas emission standards for new cars and light duty trucks in model years 2021 through 2026. Under the standards adopted by the Obama administration in 2012, light-duty vehicles would be required to meet the average fleetwide fuel economy equivalent of 54.5 miles per gallon in model year 2025. Those standards were projected to save roughly 4 billion barrels of oil and cut carbon dioxide emissions by 2 billon metric tons while saving consumers more than $1.7 trillion in fuel costs.

An Inside Climate News article discusses the same thing. The more stringent standard for passenger vehicles passed under the Obama administration would have saved 6 billion tons of greenhouse gases.

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