NYT Climate FWD: January 6, 2021
NYT Climate Fwd includes: Georgia Senate vote impact; building codes; trump repeal of bird protections; CIA; satellites and climate change.
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NY Times Climate Fwd., November 11, 2020
Articles include: trump’s legacy; Slower, wetter hurricanes; Warming and hurricanes; Energy-efficient homes; Denier placed in charge of the National Climate Assessment report; Things Biden can do on the environment; Cutting GHG’s from food production; and CA bars insurance companies from dropping wildfire insurance.
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Study: Climate Change Will Force a New American Migration
ProPublica discusses how Climate Change will force a new American migration. Wildfires rage in the West. Hurricanes batter the East. Droughts and floods wreak damage throughout the nation. Life has become increasingly untenable in the hardest-hit areas, but if the people there move, where will everyone go?
August besieged California with […]
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The Trump Team Has a Plan to Not Fight Climate Change
Wired discusses Trump’s plan to ignore climate change. It may take decades to see the worst effects of global warming. Yet Jim Reilly, the director of the US Geological Survey, is committed to short-term thinking.
For those in the earth science community, there was a far more pressing question to […]
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Work begins on key climate report under Trump
E&E News discusses efforts by the Trump administration to create the next National Climate Assessment report.
The next National Climate Assessment is beginning to take shape at a time when President Trump warned world leaders to reject “alarmists” and as his conservative allies make plans to intervene in the report’s […]
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Report: EPA head asked to back up claim that climate change is ’50 to 75 years out’
This The Hill article discusses Andrew Wheeler’s ignorance about climate change. The sad part is, he’s the head of EPA.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler is being asked to back up recent claims that climate change consequences are still “50 to 75 years out.”
In a freedom of information request […]
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Climate change group scrapped by Trump reassembles to issue warning
This The Guardian article discusses Trump’s attempt to kill a science panel that disagreed with his denialist attitude. Panel was disbanded after a Trump official voiced concerns that it did not have enough members ‘from industry’
The Trump administration disbanded the 15-person Advisory […]
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In Florida, Doctors See Climate Change Hurting Their Most Vulnerable Patients
This NPR article discusses the health impact from climate change on poor people in Florida.
And it may only be getting worse. The 2018 National Climate Assessment noted that the southeastern United States is already experiencing “more and longer summer heat waves.” By 2050, experts say, rising global temperatures are expected to […]
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Report: Climate Change Could Spur Financial Crisis
This article discusses research conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco that shows climate change could spark a financial crisis.
Financial risk associated with climate change could undermine the stability of the financial system, according to a research letter by a member of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
The financial […]
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